Seat Request | Request TimeStamp | Admin Response |
Going Live!! | 02-08-2025 10:53:27 | Congrats Anthony Gueorguiev #11, First Time Winner! |
Going to anxiety attack waiting | 02-08-2025 10:53:03 | |
Let someone else pay cmon | 02-08-2025 10:51:20 | |
I have a couple 100 rounds on hand! | 02-08-2025 10:49:21 | |
Curious who can actually afford to shoot this beast | 02-08-2025 10:48:47 | |
YEAH BOY! LETS DO THIS! | 02-08-2025 10:45:33 | |
Ronald Gray 5 minute timer started! Dibs is already claimed by Michael Moore if he still wants it if no response from Ron. | 02-08-2025 10:37:46 | Timer is up, Michael Moore 126 |
When is the draw | 02-08-2025 10:35:51 | as soon as the last spot is paid, |
KJ 2nd dibs | 02-08-2025 10:22:28 | |
2nd dibs | 02-08-2025 10:21:24 | |
Don Dibs on any no pays | 02-08-2025 10:19:07 | |
Pay up sucka. Lol | 02-08-2025 10:18:33 | |
CLOSED Pending Payments | 02-08-2025 10:17:40 | |
Don Close it | 02-08-2025 10:17:18 | 30 |
Garrett Marshall 51 | 02-08-2025 10:16:22 | 51 |
Jesse Symons 46 | 02-08-2025 10:13:49 | 46 |
Jim Tyrrell 81 | 02-08-2025 10:12:19 | 81 |
Nick Ferrazza 80 | 02-08-2025 10:11:39 | 80 |
Ryan Robinson 1 random | 02-08-2025 10:09:58 | 70 |
John Coster 33 | 02-08-2025 10:00:32 | 33 |
Dan m 38*39 | 02-08-2025 09:58:22 | 38,39 |
Nick Ferrazza 113 | 02-08-2025 09:58:08 | 113 |
Josh schaible 123 | 02-08-2025 09:57:48 | 123 |
Joe Lepore 1 random | 02-08-2025 09:40:58 | 60 |
Steven Oszust 1 random | 02-08-2025 09:40:39 | error! |
Dan M 28 is taken I will take 48 | 02-08-2025 09:35:07 | 48 |
Travis whisnant 1 random | 02-08-2025 09:29:10 | 125 |
Dallas Fuqua 58 | 02-08-2025 09:24:11 | 58 |
Dan M or randoms | 02-08-2025 09:23:25 | 48 |
Jerry 1 random | 02-08-2025 09:21:09 | 71 |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:55 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:55 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:49 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:44 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:44 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:44 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:44 | |
54 Tyler hassevoort | 02-08-2025 09:17:44 | 54 |
Dan M 109 | 02-08-2025 09:16:05 | 109 |
Dan M 28* 28*49 84 85*90*96*97*98 | 02-08-2025 09:14:53 | 49,84,85,90,96,97,98,109 |
Chris Lane 28 | 02-08-2025 09:09:41 | 28 |
Jeremiah Johnson 124 | 02-08-2025 09:08:24 | 124 |
Mason Coggins 1 random | 02-08-2025 09:01:44 | 116 |
Kevin boyles 76 | 02-08-2025 08:58:48 | 76 |
Gavin Barlow 44 | 02-08-2025 08:57:09 | 44 |
Chris Cowper -105 | 02-08-2025 08:54:16 | 105 |
8-Brice | 02-08-2025 08:53:29 | 8 |
Kyle Harcek -66 | 02-08-2025 08:51:38 | 66 |
Ronald Gray. 1 random | 02-08-2025 08:44:12 | 126 |
Oszjunior 100 | 02-08-2025 08:43:55 | 100 |
Leslie LaVanway random | 02-08-2025 08:43:11 | 101 |
Brett Andrews 45 | 02-08-2025 08:42:48 | 45 |
Leslie LaVanway 31 | 02-08-2025 08:38:30 | 31 |
Shelby low random if open | 02-08-2025 08:38:28 | 3 |
Larry Austin 18 | 02-08-2025 08:38:13 | taken, 118 is your random |
Shelby gallegos 2 | 02-08-2025 08:37:38 | taken |
Cameron hunsberger random | 02-08-2025 08:35:15 | 122 |
Cameron hunsberger | 02-08-2025 08:33:20 | 1 random?? |
Tony 20 | 02-08-2025 08:33:08 | 20 |
21 or random | 02-08-2025 08:30:16 | who? |
Gavin Barlow 11 | 02-08-2025 08:30:12 | taken |
Jeremy Rohde 21 or random | 02-08-2025 08:29:29 | 21 |
Bryan Kwater - 1 random | 02-08-2025 08:26:55 | 119 |
59 Jeremy fenyus | 02-08-2025 08:26:36 | 59 |
127 and 32 walter | 02-08-2025 08:25:10 | 32,127 |
Todd hodges 2 random | 02-08-2025 08:24:26 | 2,102 |
Todd hodges 11 | 02-08-2025 08:24:05 | taken |
Jacob Bryson 1 random | 02-08-2025 08:23:45 | 128 |
Eric Jansen. Random | 02-08-2025 08:22:32 | 121 |
Bryan Robinson-34 instead of 41 that was taken | 02-08-2025 08:19:51 | 34 |
Anthony Gueorguiev 11 | 02-08-2025 08:17:41 | 11 |
John Coster 13 | 02-08-2025 08:16:47 | taken |
Eric Henry 56 | 02-08-2025 08:16:40 | 56 |
18 or 21 or random LJ Graves | 02-08-2025 08:14:41 | 18 |
Don 106 and 14 random | 02-08-2025 08:14:24 | 106, 36,37,40,43,50,53,61,62,78,79,91,92,103,104 |
Ken Jones RANDOM | 02-08-2025 08:13:14 | 110 |
Bryan Robinson-random | 02-08-2025 08:10:37 | 93 |
Random E Cook | 02-08-2025 08:10:06 | 129 |
Todd hodges 89 47 | 02-08-2025 08:08:26 | 89 is yours, 47 is taken |
Sam brokaw correction 27 and 63 | 02-08-2025 08:08:06 | 63 is yours, 117 is your random |
108 collin k | 02-08-2025 08:07:11 | 108 |
22 collin k | 02-08-2025 08:06:21 | 22 |
Don 64 65 82 86 107 | 02-08-2025 08:05:55 | 64,65,82,86 are yours (107 is taken) |
Adam VonFintel random | 02-08-2025 08:05:31 | 83 |
Dan M 69 | 02-08-2025 08:05:00 | 69 |
Sam brokaw 4* 27 | 02-08-2025 08:04:59 | both taken |
Jim tyrrell 88*111 | 02-08-2025 08:03:58 | 88,111 |
Tony Random | 02-08-2025 08:03:36 | 120 |
John Loudermilk 4 random if my numbers aren’t available | 02-08-2025 08:02:54 | 35,55,75,95 |
Matt Wilcox 5 | 02-08-2025 08:02:50 | 5 |
Random mark t | 02-08-2025 08:02:35 | 107 |
Russ Corey 13 | 02-08-2025 08:02:25 | 13 |
41bryan robinson | 02-08-2025 08:02:21 | taken |
Scott Wilson 47 | 02-08-2025 08:02:03 | 47 |
Jeremiah Johnson 7 | 02-08-2025 08:01:53 | 7 |
Jim tyrrell 23 | 02-08-2025 08:01:42 | taken |
Dan m 52*72 | 02-08-2025 08:01:41 | 52 is yours, 72 is taken |
Sean Truhn random | 02-08-2025 08:01:38 | 41 |
shelby gallegos random | 02-08-2025 08:01:23 | 87 |
Brett Andrews 15 and a random | 02-08-2025 08:01:18 | duplicate |
12*24*2 random | 02-08-2025 08:01:09 | who? (12 and 24 are already taken) |
Ken Jones 99 | 02-08-2025 08:01:07 | taken |
67 collin w | 02-08-2025 08:01:05 | 67 |
Don 6 9 10 12 19 23 26 29 | 02-08-2025 08:00:59 | 9,19,23,26,29 (others were taken) |
Random Cody brown | 02-08-2025 08:00:59 | 57 |
Jeremy Lennox #68 | 02-08-2025 08:00:58 | 68 |
David king ii random | 02-08-2025 08:00:53 | 25 |
Jesse Symons 10 | 02-08-2025 08:00:52 | 10 |
Michael Witsaman 17 and 72 | 02-08-2025 08:00:51 | duplicate |
Michael Witsaman 17 and 72 | 02-08-2025 08:00:51 | 17,72 |
Books jim tyrrell | 02-08-2025 08:00:51 | taken |
Chris pulawski random | 02-08-2025 08:00:49 | 77 |
Arch Stanton books or 42 | 02-08-2025 08:00:43 | 42 |
Shakenbake27 random | 02-08-2025 08:00:42 | 27,99 |
2 random jim launius | 02-08-2025 08:00:38 | 94,112 |
Jesse Symons books | 02-08-2025 08:00:38 | taken |
Larry vanburen14*24 random | 02-08-2025 08:00:32 | 14,24,114 |
15 and a random | 02-08-2025 08:00:31 | Brett Andrews 15, 115 |
Frank Polulak #73 | 02-08-2025 08:00:29 | 73 |
shelby gallegos books | 02-08-2025 08:00:29 | taken |
Jack Paisley 4 6 16 74 | 02-08-2025 08:00:29 | 4,6,16,74 |
Don books | 02-08-2025 08:00:27 | taken |
Bk mark | 02-08-2025 08:00:21 | taken |
Frank Polulak books | 02-08-2025 08:00:17 | taken |
Frank Polulak books | 02-08-2025 08:00:16 | taken |
Shakenbake books | 02-08-2025 08:00:16 | taken |
book jl | 02-08-2025 08:00:16 | taken |
Chris Miller Books* 12 If Taken | 02-08-2025 08:00:14 | 12 |
Books 14*24 random | 02-08-2025 08:00:14 | books taken, Larry VanBuren 14, 24, 114 |
Ken Jones BOOKS | 02-08-2025 08:00:10 | 1,130 |